THE Magnetic Board Game PEXESO (Engl.)
Board Game - magnetic PEXESO / 24+2pcs magnetic Cards
+ magnetic. board of plastic folie
Social family game ( 2x 6 ) + 2pc motive free = 24pcs (+ 2) * special type to disabilities people - also
Developing education cards with pattern motivs 2 x 6 pcs Card - „mathematical“
+ 2x6 pcs Cards - „geometric“ Cards
They are very variabial (flexi) Cards , not only as a plaing cards - well know basic game, but there are nice possibilitieis when the parents can to learn a little children by helping mathematical cards. as a learning to a little kids ( before the school or with a desabilities people )
They are very variabial Cards , not only as a plaing well know basic game, but there are nice possibilities when the parents can to learn a maths your children, it is means - as a helping mathematical cards. ( for all children - from 3 yers , to children before to school learning, also whith some of disabilities - as a menthal disabilities, keep the motoric of hands after injury , in medical treatment, in the old age, of cose in lost of memory , as a therapeuting , ergoterapeute learning, etc because there are only 24 pcs and to helping and learning 2x 6pcs of duo magnetic cling cards + magnetic board. The game set have 1 magnetic board and that is why is very mobile set. The game can to play and learnig the kids f.ex. in child bed (in medical treatment, is variabile to handicap people - as a helper and for free time as a developing and learning game.)
These produceing is on the CZ market, especially in spec. shops to blind people and kids with a disabilities, (You can to buy - Order by mail, also).
In this producion are the high share by precision handwork (with more of types material in special produce f.e. to blind people and a little children also )
Special version and design of imprint with a coarse folie, for using to people with a disabilities and blind people, but the packing play set is for us and for the development and learning of children, seniors, etc. We are so glad that your pozitive choice.
Make your (own) choice to give the better new game of set to children, ( there are very creative and variable possibilities).
Macháčková Magdaléna
© / MagdaM s.r.o.
✉ Dr..E.Beneše 1020 , 765 02 Otrokovice , CZ ☎ +420 603235484 ( ID: 09279555 VAT:CZ
Submit an order , info - by mail