Others motives : HANDI H O L D E R s ' /to children/
Art.: 51000,13.0.12 Color Crayon
Baseic simply motive for little children in the start creative doing and learning, (with a disabilities, to blind also)
- special type with groove the part surface touch of extrusion press
a) 1 glued packageing/10pcs (tearing book); or b) 1page A3/2pces one type
New model - future type coming prepared ( ** possibility to order with longer delivery times)
Art.: 51000,13.1.03 Dragon (Crocodile)
1page A3/2pcs of 1type
Half of Page - graph.motive DRAGON-Crocodile A3 (1/2)
Especially for children, whit the part on motoricle disbilities, there is idea how to give motive to learning and to do basic and cutting. All for children must to have a basic develop and own learning on kreative work (cut/drawing/writing/folding and creative doing)
( and many others variouse motives, a special. style to blind people – as the first creative type for drawing!, give an example - becaause these children can to draw with wax crayon )
The print with a press links are to kids, who can to learn by the part of motoricle links (as a line of grooves to touch). Others healthy kids can to draw and do cutting with scissors, to do own sample of the folding of holder - as a Dragon/crocodile and many others types - who can the children to learn and have own development, creative working, etc. All of graphic print you can give to the centre of children´s magazine, brochure, leaflet, prospectus of company/ e-shop - etc.
Art. 51000, the FAMILY set
MIX set = 1. Ladybug + 2. Dragon/A3 with 2pc + 1pc spec. Ladybug (for example) , there are free variants of all types graphic prints- for you as you can
Art. 51000,13.1.05 the CHICKEN

Art. 51000,13.1.07 The BUTTERFLY (new )

HANDI HOLDERS (for children) the basic type
a) plastic (Art. 53000.13) 1. the basic
b) paper (Art. 5100013)
c) plastic+paper with print some of graph.motives.
It´s means - the base sample type .
there are many various posibilities for type and new motive od graphic
color print can to be on
- paper´s holder,
- on the plastic holder
- paper a) there are many variable motivs, (can to be f.e. the Jigssaw of h.HOLDER color, with the various graphic print, or paper´s holder to cutt/colour-drawing, at the same on basic simple design-type )
The HOLDERs can to be : xxx thickness / xxx broadness of h.holder
HANDI HOLDERS ( for wraper - TPbox, TP cartons 0,7li- 1 li - 2li - 2,5li ) or to plastic/paper CUP .
can to be on packing of carton/paper.... as a print

Pictures of description of foldering the jigsaw-the folding (Handi Holder)
Art.: (53)-51000,13; 51000,13.1/2/0. ….
The paper based = creative page with 2 pcs various motive on holder and it is a jigsaw with accurate children's motives in the page A3/350gr.; color B/W with 2 pcs on a single worksheet. Were formed for children for fun, creative work, learning and especially for their development. It can to Improve the surround perception, visual perception and in the use of colors and shades, improve motoric skills, memory and logic consideration . etc, To priper to teaches graphomotoric skills, contribute to individual creativity, cutting, and one of the reward is the "holder" for Tetra Pack box of drinking, every refreshing is very import for children.
The children are improving in drawing, in the exact cuting, support the creativity or other overall skill, they can to do own original authentic motive ,etc. Children's basic holder plastic PP can to use in combine multiple copies by models of the base graphic, especially - the motives to children with desabilities (blind children, after injury, to the elderly , sufferers people, ….)
Are intended for younger little children /from 3 years old, in front of schoolchildren, when there are prepare news for distribution the helping templates - it is especialy for handicap/(disabilities) children and if you like, we will be presenting, we give more info, you can ask for a samples, or separate tutorials on the combination, leaflets, CE certificates on the safe product the children, etc. Welcome a companies as a bussiness partners, who can have a new range of helping´s goods, who love every children.
Now is very important to do our world the better and nicer, especelly for kids. More produce means to easy and cheaper products - the same as this (universal and variable to every of group people-children)
HANDI H O L D E R ( 1li TPcarton and more than 12 types of bottles)
WE are MagdaM s.r.o. the overall activity follows on from the basis of the assortment, when the first model of the holder for the handle carrier was created as a paper/plastic puzzle already at the end of 2013 - in production with the future of development into more pleasant forms in models that provide more utility and are thus more beneficial. Development has proven that all efforts can be made more pleasant by providing support to health groups. restrictions and in conjunction with the purpose - as for us ordinary consumers - users (adults and CHILDREN), i.e. us and incl. with some kind of disability and limitation in modifications of a different nature, how due to modifications and innovations in the assignment, contents and functions can be merged unchanged - how species can become variable with the basics of standards and also with "added value" spec. elements to help, when, perhaps for the first time in the Czech Republic, paper foldings appeared (by inserting them into the printing graphics in A3 format/with 2 pieces per sheet) through punches, grooves = tactile traces of extrusions, or a purposefully and visibly reinforced line of cut parts was put into the print - helpful for the given clientele to benefit and to support and facilitate. So far, no one has focused on this with paper settings, and we were probably among the first in the Czech Republic, after MagdaM, to slightly raise the level of some of the existing standards for improvements, which makes us happy. Not only is the same and similar price purchase of the clientele ensured, but real attention to utility, when in one SAME model and type of assortment, the content of the given improvement is applied to a higher common utility, and thus we are more enriched to cook and the product and also to approx. support.
All HOLDERS with handles from the production are "supervised" for health safety (from the print/ for the material used/ for the design - so that it does not injure children, does not cause metabolic problems from the print, etc./ for the declaration of durability from the construction, etc. Therefore, the Holders with handles - stacks of drink carriers - of various serial types and patterns, including A3 prints, have undergone tests in the ITC - Zlín testing laboratory and thus meet the guaranteed basic quality and purposefulness in terms of load-bearing and structural design, also in terms of our health , easy off useing, with nice printing and other settings in better useing.
We are pleased that you like the products and have them in your homes, you have given them to children as educational tools for development, recommended them to groups with health restrictions, which are quite forgotten in more public offers, also have things, aids and standards with spec . modification in regular stores freely (incl. internet stores E-SHOP) as a constant attention and when we complement each other in this way and not only children deserve support from us in their development, leisure time, or perhaps - just for pleasure or benefit, as aids and scientific development items, as well as useful items offered here - drink carriers = Holders with hand.
The MagdaM company hereby thanks its clients and will continue to greatly appreciate any of your shopping initiatives (our corporate E-SHOP will also be useful for this), thanks friendly companies for the business-sales relationships established and the support given to others. Thanks to such cooperation, we can focus more on new and other supporting patterns and species with development, even in spec. adjustments. They were developed as a basic standard for 4-in-1 prints - not only for smaller preschool and school children to maintain the basics and provide primary education with support elements: for hand motor skills, graphomotor skills, for teaching precise cutting, for touch and logic, for spatial vision, etc. inserted by us the basics of science to serve for the development, entertainment and joy of one's own creativity for creativity and for the benefit of the Handy HOLDER as a jigsaw. And the stronger ones made of plastic (paper) could "take up residence" in your homes as a variable fixed carrier of ordinary beverage containers , when you like them, they can provide you with support and hold you better, they provide support and utility not only for better self-service, in maintaining motor skills, etc. They are completely safe holders with handles - to drinking´s packaging, food and industrial.